Us, as Humans

Ever think about how weird humans are? We are animals, and have the same basic needs of any other living thing, but the way we go about our existence is so bizarre.

Humans are capable of a lot of beauty. There is so much diversity among cultures. There are different traditions, different art, song, dance, food, language. We have moved beyond what any other species has accomplished in the way that we live. We build houses, wear clothing, express ourselves as unique individuals. We have created technology that lets us communicate and collaborate with anyone at any time. There is nothing that we cannot do.

Humans are also destructive. We cause irreparable damage to the landscape and other species. We cut down forests, dig giant pits into the earth, over hunt, over fish. We release harmful chemicals into the air and into the water. There are so many things we do wrong, and so much that will never recover.

Not only do we damage the environment, we hurt each other. We go to war, people kill each other on the streets. We argue, we oppress, we lie, cheat, steal. There is nothing we won’t do.

And therein lies the problem: There is nothing we cannot do, and there is nothing we won’t do. We so often forget that we a just another species that inhabits the earth. It does not belong to us, we belong to it. I look at the beauty of what humans are capable of, and I am in awe. I look at the destruction and the hate we are capable of and I am sickened by what people do to each other; do to the world around them.


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