90s Kid

The following is from a post found by my friend Jordan. I am uncertain where she found it. There is a lot of truth to it. It kind of hurts.

a 90’s kid? don’t you mean sad adult?

70,000 people have reblogged this but no one is trying to defend themselves

There is nothing to defend

i read a post once that described 90s kids as the generation of nostalgia #because so much technological advancement happened in such a rapid timeframe when we were growing up #that we can clearly remember having technologies that are now obsolete #like going from a corded hugeass phone to a small computer in your pocket just within our formative years is a major thing #and it sparks a nostalgia for our seemingly ‘simpler’ childhoods #because so much rapid development makes it seem like it was a lot longer ago than it actually was

This is the most solid explanation of our decade I have ever heard.

Oh my god

Just to add onto that, our childhood wasn’t even technology based. We grew up knowing chalk, skateboards, jump rope, street hockey, playgrounds, butterfly collecting, etc. Slowly technology took over our lives and now there are hardly kids playing outside in the summer. We can clearly remember our childhood as it was and now we can see the clear line between it. We were the generation right smack in the middle of it all. Our parents were of non-tech and our children/younger siblings will be all tech.

Not to mention, ours was the last generation that grew up with all those bright promises of  “work hard, go to college, and you’ll have a successful life,” only to find those hopes abruptly dashed when the housing bubble burst. Millennials have grown up expecting that disappointment, because for them, the problem has been there since Day One.

So 90s kids aren’t just nostalgic…we’re BITTER. And for those days when we could still think that the world was boundless and full of opportunities we were promised on the first day of kindergarten.


There is a lot of truth in this, and I thought I should share it. It is important to remember the past, and everything it taught us, but it is also important to acknowledge the effect is has on the people who lived it.

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