
So I don’t have anything in particular to post tonight, so I am going to take this opportunity to say how thankful I am to have my friend group here in college.

I have a really hard time meeting people. Being social is not something that comes naturally to me, so finding people who I can connect with is amazing.

I have been accepted into a group of really cool and fun people. We stay up late watching videos, talking, and laughing. I don’t think I have laughed so much in my entire life. I only met them a couple weeks ago, but I have made faster friends with these people then I have with anyone.

They are some of the first people I have been completely open with, partly because I have only recently been able to be completely open and accepting of myself. They take me as I am.

I do not have the words to adequately express how I feel, but mostly I am happy. I am happy that I can be myself, I am happy that they make me laugh, I am happy that I can call these people my friends.

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